Lego king of the world

3 - King of the world

Lego king of the world

I saw this guy walking around on the set of the Foolish Lego comic. Never saw him before around the house. At first I thought he was family of Francis (because of the image of grapes on his chest), but when I asked him, he told me he'd never heard of Francis. He calls himself the king of the world, but in the back of his mind he always has questions.... is he really the king, who are his subjects, what exactly is his kingdom, who made him king anyway? He's been searching for answers for years, I could not help him.

On a side note; I just noticed the flowers, looks like my daughter composed them. She likes it when the flowers are upside down, she won't have it any other way.

The end

What are you the most proud of?

Day: February 14, 2016

February 14, 2016

In the comments on my very first Foolish Lego blogpost Pi3rk asked me one of the more difficult questions… “What are you the most proud of; the comic, the first 365 or the second 365?”

Now, that’s really a difficult question. All these projects have brought me different things. The first 365 I started was purely because I wanted to practice my photography and get my imagination flowing through the use of Lego. It was a challenging year, especially during vacations, taking along my minifigures and trying to get pictures in Nepal or Turkye or Miami… etc… Sometimes it was frustrating because I had no ideas (and the uninspired photo’s are easy to spot.) In the end I was relieved I was done, and happy with the achievement. On the other hand, I couldn’t stop yet because there was still inspiration and though I did see an improvement in my photography skills, it was not enough. So I went on into the next 365. A year later again I was happy to achieved the 720 daily photo’s but this time real life caught up with me. Work was too busy to keep on going in a daily routine. And so it stopped. But I kept learning and I believe the photo’s did get better (overall). And without the daily deadline I noticed a dwindling amount of inspiration (probably also caused by real life stress).The toast

The first one

On the other hand there are the comics. Yes there were a few stories in the 720’s and some characters got a little development but I wanted to do a real story, so I started the comic. 248 episodes later it’s moving towards the end and I learned a lot about storytelling too, so much in fact that I’ not too thrilled about the dragon story. So after this one I’m starting on the next one and hopefully the story itself will be better.

What I like most is that most of the cast are slowly growing personalities.

Now… I was told I have to choose… looking back I choose the first 365, the one that started everything and the one that gave me a new hobby and the opportunity to make new friends.

So there you have it, what are you the most proud off concerning your hobbies?


Brick photography - scary railing

Scary railing

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